Podcast Episode 17

Podcast Episode 17

Published | Posted by Jonathan Taylor Smith

My first guest! In this 17th Episode of the [... and Landlord!] Rental Real Estate Investing Podcast, I welcome my first guest to the show - Garrett White. And we talk about our first ground up construction / new build house and our partnership, along with some challenges we encountered along the way.

Garrett is someone I first met a few years back when he reached out to me on BiggerPockets.com. We met shortly thereafter for coffee and found that we had a lot in common. Garrett was a relatively newly wed, and was about the same age I was when I got married. I admired that he was into Real Estate at such a young age, as although I was an Entrepreneur at that age - I did not get into Real Estate Investing until I was 15 years into my marriage.

As we got to know each other better through subsequent meetings and Garrett volunteering to help me at some of myBRRRRprojects when I was still in myDIY Landlordphase - it became clear that we worked pretty well together. We quickly became friends with our similar sarcastic / witty sense of humor. Trash talk got added in when we started playing racquetball on Monday's for exercise - talking Real Estate in between sets.

We then began travelling together to some Real Estate educational training events and seminars, as far away as Vegas. These all allowed us to refine what we were doing, but as touched on in this Podcast episode, things just did not pan out until recently with the new build that we are now working on. Prior projects just went wrong for one reason or another, but not in ways that caused us to doubt our effort to work together.

But we learned from each action (even failures) and applied the newly gained knowledge to the next attempt. Our determination to work together on a successful project left no other option but to succeed at some point. Now we have a new build underway on Carver Street in Durham - with a very nice profit potential, that we'll split between us, with some held in reserve to apply towards the next project, as we seek to keep this going.

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