Podcast Episode 19

Podcast Episode 19

Published | Posted by Jonathan Taylor Smith

This is Part 2 of "Self-Managing Landlords - 10 Things You Need To Stop Doing!" - which features #6 to #10. See last week's Episode (#18)for #1 to #5 on this list of 10 things you just need to stop doing (if you're a Landlord).

So in this 19th Episode of the […and Landlord!] Rental Real Estate Investing Podcast, I continue to speak on Self Managing Landlords - completing my list of 10 Things You Need To Stop Doing! Last week's episode got a little long, so I decided to split it into two episodes, with this being the 2nd.

And here in this 2nd episode on the topic (19th overall), I get a little political in #10 - so please forgive me, because matters of politics is not really supposed to be the focus of this Podcast.

The second 5 of 10 Things That Self-Managing Landlords Need To Stop Doing - covered in this episode, include…

6. Stop Being Ignorant Of The Law.

7. Stop Using Leases You Got From Office Depot, Staples Or Just Found Somewhere On The Internet.

8. Stop Using Cheap Finishes In Your Rentals.

9. Stop Failing To Conduct Rental Property Inspections.

10. Stop Denying Potentially Great Tenants Based Upon Their Credit Score - (Political Opinion Alert).

If you've not already, checkout Episode #18 to hear the first 5 of 10 Things That Self-Managing Landlords Need To Stop Doing. Unfortunately, all 10 items on the list are things that are common for Self-Managing Landlords - and I've been guilty of some of them myself at the start of my Real Estate endeavor. And it has been my experience that the longer a person has been a Landlord, the more likely they are to be guilty of multiple things on this list - like those who started in the business decades ago.

If you're going to be a Self-Managing Landlord, then you need to stop doing these things. Or, you should outsource your Rental Property Management to a professional like me and my team at Blue Chariot Management.

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