Podcast Episode 47

Podcast Episode 47

Published | Posted by Jonathan Taylor Smith

I LOVE owning Rental Real Estate and being a Landlord - however, maybe it's not for you... But that doesn't mean you cannot be a Real Estate Investor - as there are ways of doing so without having to buy Real Estate and becoming a Landlord. One such means is Real Estate Note Investing. And so who better to have on the show than Scott "The Note Guy" Carson - to cover the basics of Investing in Real Estate by obtaining the Note.

Scott Carson joins us for an episode of the... and Landlord Rental Real Estate Investing Podcast - to discuss both Performing and non-Performing Note Investing. So what is Note Investing? What is a "Performing" versus "non-Performing" Note? Well listen to Scott answer these questions - and many more about Real Estate Note Investing in this 47th episode of the... and Landlord Podcast. You can also watch the video of the interview below...

Video Interview: Ep. #47 - The Note Closers Show Podcast Host - Scott Carson

For me... I've got a lot going on right now, but I will certainly get into Note Investing at some point. And it never hurts to have additional ways of getting a property and/or more monthly cash-flow. And when I'm ready to enter this area of Real Estate Investing, I'll certainly be reaching out to Scott for guidance. He teaches this business, so its certainly worth visiting his site at:https://weclosenotes.com- and listening to hisNote Investing Podcast.

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